Gluten-Free, Vegan & Plant-Based Recipes

Healthy Little Vittles Everyday

My new cookbook is here!


Salted Caramel Brownie Cake

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  1. Charly says:


    Is it possible to make it with normal flour instead of banana one ? Hard to find it in France and pretty expensive too so I wanted to know before making it.

    • Gina Fontana says:

      Hi there! So sorry I just saw your comment. You could try regular flour, however regular flour is more dense than banana flour so if you have a very light flour I would go with that one. I have not tried to make this recipe with another flour so I cannot guarantee the recipe will turn out the same. Hope this helps!

  2. Baishakhi says:

    It looks awesome. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  3. johanna says:

    just made it and it was (and still is) delicious! I just don’t know at what moment you put the coconut milk in the caramel..? I boiled it together with the coconut oil at the beginning, but my caramel – even though still super tasty – looks much darker and is super super thick. Don’t know what happened there 🙂

    • Gina Fontana says:

      Hi Johanna! So sorry that wasn’t clear in my directions 🙁 thank you for pointing that out. You add the coconut milk in at the end until you achieve the desired consistency you’d like. I’m so glad overall, you liked it!

      • johanna says:

        haha ok for next time then 😉 And obviously there will be a next time! Why should we not refrigerate it? Love your blog and all those amazing recipes, just discovered it and am already on my thrid recipe 😉 All amazing, and so different – never used casava or banana flour before in my life! Thank you!

        • Gina Fontana says:

          So glad to hear it! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying my recipes ☺️??? it’s best not to refrigerate because coconut oil gets very hard when cold so it’ll make it hard. I’m a big fan of cassava and banana flour and actually just started using them both myself last year! I like them because they are plant based, gluten free and grain free! Thank you for you kind comments and feedback!

        • Gina Fontana says:

          Aw that’s so great to hear that you’re enjoying my recipes! ☺️ I’m so so glad… and happy to introduce you to new (healthy!) food products! Also if you refrigerate the cake it’ll become pretty hard, you can pop it in the microwave for a few seconds but then the topping melts… so it’s best just left out covered on the counter for a couple of days. 🧡

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About the author

Gina Fontana

Gina Fontana is a certified health coach, recipe developer, food photographer, published author, and blogger. Her own personal health challenges led her to a gluten-free, vegan, plant-based lifestyle where she found significant improvement in her symptoms. Her passion and mission is to now share that with others who also need (or want) to pursue a healthier lifestyle. 

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